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English> QUALITY> Quality and food safety policy

Quality and food safety policy of the IREKS Group

The quality and food safety policy of IREKS covers all areas of the company – from the development of the products to distribution. Quality only ends for us when the customers have processed our products and are completely satisfied with our goods and service.

The IREKS Group produces quality

The quality and food safety policy of our company can be reduced to this simple common denominator. Our customers associate the term quality with our name, our brand-name products and our advisory service.

Quality is defined by our customer

We define quality as the comprehensive fulfilment of customer requirements. Only by the consistent consideration of our customers‘ wishes are we able to achieve the quality our customers expect from us.

In this, we are aware of the great responsibility we have towards our customers. For us, the production of safe foodstuffs and animal feed and the observance of all the corresponding laws take first place.

Satisfied customers are a decisive competitive advantage and ensure the future of the company.

Quality by means of food safety

During the production of foodstuffs and animal feed, safety is a quite fundamental aspect of quality.

For this reason, we are working on every level, from purchasing via development and production to distribution, on the implementation of extensive preventative programmes which are based on the principles of the HACCP Concept. These programmes include all the legal requirements, but are not restricted to these alone.

In addition to the current further development of our programmes on foodstuffs and animal feed safety, open communication in regard to this topic is also important to us. We are therefore gladly available to our customers for all questions in this connection.

Quality needs every employee

Everyone makes his or her contribution to quality. Quality is created at every place where work is done, not only in production or warehousing, but also in administration or distribution, in the company or in the field. Quality can only be improved by continuous and constant further development. All of us, no matter his workplace, are called upon to work together to constantly maintain and improve our quality.

Quality at every angle

The content and aim of our quality management system is the planned quality assurance of our products. An orientated integration of all areas into our quality management system guarantees the creation of a sophisticated quality product. Quality already begins during the development of a product and includes a careful choice of suppliers and high-quality raw materials, as well as a production using modern technology and an effective sales and distribution system.

We regard quality as having been achieved when the customers have processed our products and are
completely satisfied with our goods and service.

Quality worth displaying

We wish to present ourselves to customers and to other interested parties and are willing to discuss openly. We therefore welcome all our customers and take every opportunity to show them who we are and what we do.