Ingredients for confectionery baked goods & sweet products

Gateau being decorated with whipped cream through a piping bag

Your partner for enjoyment

You want to convince your customers with sweet enjoyment? We support you in realising your concept. Our wide-ranging expertise is based not only on the knowledge of IREKS, but also on the expertise of our subsidiary DREIDOPPEL, who specialises in these areas. We combine this knowledge in our confectionery baked goods, confectionery and ice cream products, which are not only convincing in terms of taste, but also offer safety, flexibility and room for creativity.

Confectionery baked goods

Sweet baked goods cater for special moments of pleasure! On certain occasions, confectionery baked goods are in demand – for a little joy or a quiet moment in between, you can also have yeast baked goods, cakes and the like. That’s why we offer a wide range of products for artisan and industrial bakeries, confectioners, cafés and hotels, so that you can provide your customers with precisely these moments. Our product range includes ingredients for pound cake, plain cake, sponge cake batters and fillings, as well as for short pastry and yeast-raised baked goods, cream and fruit fillings. They are suitable for both efficient and individual production of baked goods.